I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month

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When it comes to intimacy in a marriage, there are many different ways to show affection and connect with your partner. For many couples, oral sex is a regular part of their sexual routine. It's a way to show love and desire for your partner, and it can be an incredibly intimate and pleasurable experience for both parties.

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However, for some couples, the idea of giving and receiving oral sex can be a source of tension. This was the case in my own marriage, and after years of feeling pressure to perform oral sex on my husband, I made the decision to stop giving him blow jobs for a month. This decision was met with mixed reactions from my friends and family, but ultimately it was a choice that allowed me to rediscover my own desires and needs within my marriage.

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The Pressure of Performing

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For years, I felt a sense of obligation to perform oral sex on my husband. It was something that he enjoyed, and I wanted to make him happy. However, as time went on, I began to feel as though I was only doing it because I felt like I had to, not because I genuinely wanted to.

The pressure to perform oral sex on my husband began to take a toll on our relationship. I felt as though I was constantly putting his needs before my own, and it left me feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from our intimacy. I knew that something needed to change, and so I made the decision to stop giving him blow jobs for a month.

Rediscovering My Desires

At first, my husband was taken aback by my decision. He didn't understand why I suddenly didn't want to perform oral sex on him anymore. I explained to him that I needed to take a step back and rediscover my own desires and needs within our intimacy. I needed to feel like my pleasure and satisfaction were just as important as his.

During this month-long break from giving blow jobs, I found myself exploring my own desires and fantasies. I spent time focusing on what turned me on and what I wanted from our sexual relationship. I also talked to my husband about what I needed in order to feel more fulfilled and connected to him.

Reconnecting on a Deeper Level

During this month, my husband and I found new ways to connect intimately. We explored different forms of touch and communication, and we reconnected on a deeper level. We opened up to each other about our desires and needs, and we found a new sense of intimacy that we hadn't experienced in a long time.

I also took the time to explore my own pleasure and satisfaction. I focused on what turned me on and what I wanted from our sexual relationship. I discovered that by taking the pressure off of myself to perform oral sex on my husband, I was able to find a new sense of empowerment and confidence in our intimacy.

The Impact of Taking a Break

After a month had passed, my husband and I sat down to talk about how this break had impacted our relationship. We both agreed that it had been a positive experience. I had rediscovered my own desires and needs, and my husband had gained a greater understanding of the importance of mutual pleasure and satisfaction in our intimacy.

Moving forward, we decided to approach our sexual relationship with a new sense of openness and communication. We made a commitment to prioritize each other's pleasure and satisfaction, and we found new ways to connect intimately that went beyond just oral sex.

In Conclusion

Taking a break from giving my husband blow jobs for a month was a decision that allowed me to rediscover my own desires and needs within our intimacy. It opened up a dialogue between my husband and me about the importance of mutual pleasure and satisfaction, and it ultimately brought us closer together as a couple.

For anyone feeling pressured to perform oral sex on their partner, I would encourage you to take a step back and explore your own desires and needs. Open up a dialogue with your partner about what you both want from your sexual relationship, and find new ways to connect intimately that go beyond just oral sex. It may just lead to a deeper and more fulfilling connection with your partner.